paulette's hypermeaningful weblog


Sunday, January 22, 2012

War and Peace: Pierre's Mother

I don't mean to spoil the ending, but after reading 100 pages of the wrong translation of Warren Peace, I'm willing to bet that Pierre's Mother is Napoleon.
At Anna Pavlovna Scherer's soiree and fete and fiesta, we see how Pierre comes without his mom so that Anna has to fill in, taking up the mom role, trying to keep him out of party trouble.  This absence of his mother begs the question, "Who is his mother?"
Later, we see how Pierre goes to see his dying father, but his mom isn't there in any way whatsoever, so Anna Mihalovna Dubretskoy coaches Pierre, telling him what to do in the sacramental rituals of Count Bezuhov's Great Big Death Pageant.  Again, the absence of Pierre's mother is conspicuous and easy to see and obvious and a large curiousity and a profound mystery.
I predict that Pierre's mother turns out to be Napoleon because Pierre idolizes Napoleon as evidenced by his statement that "Napoleon is great because he towered above the revolution, suppressed its abuses, preserving all that was good in it."  And this idolatry reminds of when Luke Skywalker idolized Darth Vader, and Darth Vader turned out to be his dad.
So, I'm willing to bet that Napoleon is Pierre's Mother even if not explicitly stated in the text.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Show Notes and a kind of new song

Hello Hardcore Paulette Fan,
Just so you know, the show at Brainwash went really well.  I sold a t-shirt and made my year's income in one fell swoop, all at once, in a single transaction.  After heated and protracted negotiations between parties, I sold the "Shut the Fu## Up" t-shirt for $7.5 million.  I'll be donating most of the money to the republican committee to re-elect the president and to another non-profit called "Eliminate Public Education" based here in Oakland. 
And I made a recording of this song I'd only recorded sloppily on a video.
As I'm sure you know, songs about showing off your ass are huge right now, and if there's a bandwagon, I always try to be the first one to jump on.
Here's my Ass song.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Eminent Marketability of Let’s Paint TV’s Art


The art of Let’s Paint TV is eminently marketable. I’m not kidding, it’s really marketable, there’s a big market for it. A lot of people want this artwork. It’s timely and relevant to the times, and it’s warm and caring, and it’s like getting a great big hug all the time you are around it, and other animals are attracted to it too. Dogs love it. Cats love it. Rats love it. Hamsters, birds, all other rodents besides hamsters and cats, animals of the savannah, and all fish and reptiles and amphibians love it. Duckbilled platypuses and all plant species love it too, maybe even more than the aforementioned hamsters love it.

Very recently, a spider was setting its web up outside my window just so that it could see my “Embrace Failare” painting from let’s paint tv inside on my wall.  I saw the spider catch itself making a mistake while making it’s web, and it chuckled, looking at me and pointing to the words, “Embrace Failare” in the painting.

I’ve had to put stickers on my apartment windows to keep birds from trying to fly into my apartment just to see my let’s paint tv oil painting. Too many birds have run smack dab into the middle of my windows, trying to get in. I truly believe that if I had a nickel for each one, I’d be able to afford my lavish lifestyle.

So hop on the wholesale bandwagon and buy Let’s Paint TV art up before it’s all gone because it’s eminently marketable. I’m not kidding.  It’s really marketable.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Accolade and Begging and Show

In case you were wondering whether or not it's still ok to absolutely love and fawn over my music, Belinda from Bubbles in the Think Tank on WMFO out of Medford Massachusetts decided to put the remake of "Bike Riding in a Dress" on her "best of" list for 2011.  So let the flood gates open and just gush and gush and gush until you're completely gushed out, and then go back to whatever it is you do.
And she's collecting donations, like all good artists, to make a vinyl record for record store day, a celebration that I was hitherto unaware of until she asked me to make a song for the vinyl record.
"Record Store Day is an internationally celebrated day observed the third Saturday of April each year. Its purpose, as conceived by independent record store employee Chris Brown, is to celebrate the art of music.[1] The day brings together fans, artists, and the over 700 independently owned record stores in the United States, along with hundreds of independent record stores across the world.[2]"
If you are interested in financing the project, here is the link.
Also, I'm  playing at Brainwash in San Francisco, this saturday, jan 14th at 10 p.m.  Also featured on the bill will be Mark Hanley, and I believe he said Matt Piucci and John Thoman would show up, and maybe even stephan junca.  But I can only confirm Mark Hanley, so if the other ones don't show up, remember what I said. 
I know you're worried that I'll be up past my bedtime, but I'll drink tea and wear warm clothes. 
Happy New Year!!
My latest thing is to tell people, "I hope waterfulls of love pour into your heart, causing it to explode in ectasy"
and so I say to you, my undyingly loyal fanatics, I hope waterfulls of love pour into your heart, causing it to explode in ectasy.