Christmas Songs Part 1
The show is 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., and i'm supposed to go on at about 9:30 a.m. We will play my music and talk for about half an hour. The host of the show is "Red West", and I know his real name, but i was sworn to secrecy because he's a communist trying to take over all of California. Never let your guard come down when it comes to communists and terrorists, because before you know it, they'll be mowing your lawns and cleaning your house.
By the way, i'm putting all of these mass mailings on my blog.
Love Paulette
I've played with Jules Worsley, Chandler Travis ,Dinty Child, Kami Lyle, Mark Chenevert, Richard Bowden, Kimon Kirk, Josh Pugh, Ron Burns, John Vail, Fred Hughes, Scott Fluhrer, Jason Fluhrer, Bill Oliver, Fred Boak, Jim Fitting, Sean Staples, Billy Beard, Ry Cavanaugh, Chandler Travis Philharmonic, Eric Pearson, Sonya Hunter (at a party), Spencer Dryden, Tami Whynotte, Nelson Braxton, Leo Toscano, Phil Carney, Juan Mendizabal, Rick Perko, Bojo, Tom Carns, Mark Hanley, Matt Piucci, Stephan Junca, John Thoman, Alisa Won, Indian Bingo, Michael Schiess, Boatclub, and Nadine Fogarty. And I played golf with PJ O'Connell once.