paulette's hypermeaningful weblog


Wednesday, October 06, 2010


Dear Humungous Fan,
To cut to the chase, I made burritos today, although I ran out of Tapatio sauce, so I had to use some inferior sauce to spice them up.  you should have been there, it was a lot of fun.
Moving right along.
If you didn't already know, sadly, I'm on facebook, PAULETTE ON FACEBOOK 
So if you want to get my new music as I make it, I usually post links to it there, but it's always on the website.
In other news, I've been writing more songs, hoping that one or two might be good.
According to Dr. Foxmeat, one of my superfans from my webcasts, Mick Mucus, a DJ on KDVS in Davis, CA, played "Worst Song Ever" from The New Norte Americana, and about half of the listening audience died from injuries sustained while listening to the song.  My attorney, Andrew Shirvell, says that the lyrics of the song function as a disclaimer and release me from responsibility for any devastation and personal loss that the song may create.  So I got that going for me.
I still don't know exactly when the CD release party for The New Norte Americana will be, but the venue is scheduled to be cleaned out and functioning in a month or two.  You might ask, "Why not have it somewhere else?", and I might answer, "I don't know... because it's a fun, neighborhood, east bay venue, and at the moment, I suck at booking."
In still other news, my cousin, Mr. Let's Paint, and I did a short webcast show yesterday from the Paulette International Studios, and THIS excerpt was from it.  The excerpt features Mr. Let's Paint describing his fun, river canoeing adventure gone wrong, kind of exactly like in the movie, Deliverance.  I play guitar and ask questions. 
At one point in the show, we had over 6 people watching and having the times of their lives.  They just couldn't stop smiling.  It was that much fun.  When it was all over, their faces hurt from smiling.
I wish I had something really fascinating to tell you, but I think that about wraps it up.
Fascinatingly Yours,


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