paulette's hypermeaningful weblog


Sunday, August 01, 2010

SPAM: Total Success

Dear viewers,
I know you've been with me through the horrible, painful, unbearable, torturous, tedious, inhumane, ridiculously bad,  infinitely miserable, problematically problematic, and hellishly excruciating times, so I thought I'd share with you my fantastically wonderful success.
drum roll.
This song was played on WMFO in Medford, MA by Ms. Belinda Rawlins on her show, Bubbles in the Think Tank on July 31, 2010 at around 11:00 p.m. EST.
And, on a previous show, she actually played this song,
youtube link  Where's My Horse
All this airplay makes me feel like there might be a place for me in the universe.
I planned the CD release party for "The New Norte Americana" but we now have to reschedule because of complications, and so I'm waiting to know when my favorite venue will be available.
buy the cd.  It's still $10.00
Love Always,


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