paulette's hypermeaningful weblog


Thursday, September 25, 2014

Drawing Shows That Baseball is Mostly People Standing Around

Here is a drawing of people playing baseball.

In the media echo chamber, there's been a lot of talk about baseball and whether or not the players mostly stand around, looking at things while the earth travels around the sun.

On Saturday, Paulette proved categorically that baseball is mostly people standing around when she documented it in her controversial and unflinchingly honest drawing, taking off baseball's mask of frenetic activity and non-stop excitement, removing the veil, going behind the curtain like in the Wizard of Oz at the end when the wizard is exposed for what he is, somebody who mostly stands around.

After Paulette published her findings, the Professional Baseball Players' Association weighed in on the subject with their statement, "We realize that baseball is a lot of standing around, but we care deeply about the health of our players, exercising and training them during the season to keep them at peak performance level in case a play demands their movement."


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